Native Open edX Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit Installation


Get your own evaluation or test server with the latest version of the Open edX Learning Management System up and running the right way with my turnkey fixed-priced installation service.



Take the smart path to getting an evaluation or testing server up and running same day. I will follow the procedure described here to setup your own virtual server on Amazon Web Services installed with the latest version of the Open edX Learning Management System and Course Management Studio. I will also provide video conference training on how to launch your server and shut it down when it’s not in use.

My Open edX Installation Service includes the following

  • AWS account creation & setup
  • Build Ubuntu Linux server
  • Setup DNS records
  • Setup SMTP email
  • Design, program, install custom theme
  • Configure security profile
  • Install Open edX software
  • Open edX configuration
  • Install SSL Certificate
  • Setup Automated Daily Backups

Please contact me at before making a purchase!

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